Husband and wife being distant in same room

Author: Chris Majernik

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What is involved in a Divorce Consultation? Let’s talk about what a divorce consultation is. It is your chance to understand your rights and responsibilities in...

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Can alimony be modified?

While alimony can be modified, just because you request a modification it doesn’t mean you will get one. It is...

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What is collaborative divorce?

In a collaborative divorce, both parties are represented by separate attorneys. The parties, and their lawyers, sign an agreement not...

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What is shared parenting?

The goal of shared parenting is for parents to collaborate and to remain actively involved in their child’s life, not...

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Concerned About the Cost of Divorce?

Concerned About the Cost of Divorce? Most divorce attorneys will tell you they cannot tell you the cost of a...

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Why a Prenup Might Work for You

Although it might seem unromantic or filled with negative implications, a prenuptial agreement aka prenup is, in reality, an essential...

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Prenuptial Agreements: A Comprehensive Guide

When planning for a wedding, several considerations spring to mind. The perfect venue, a delicious cake, fitted attire, and the...

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What Does Mediation Look Like For You?

If life has taken you down an unexpected path, you don’t have to walk it alone. Experiencing a divorce can...

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Navigating Divorce: Empowerment, Fairness, and Wisdom

Experiencing a divorce can be an overwhelming and lonely journey, but it doesn’t have to be. The following blog post...

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